రక్షణ శాఖకు సంబంధిచిన సివిలియన్ ఉద్యోగ సంఘములు 17-02-2014 నుండి నిరవధిక సమ్మెకు పోవుచున్నటుల ప్రభుత్వమునకు తెలియచేసివున్నవి.సమ్మె బ్యాలటు ద్వార 98 శాతము ఉగ్యోగులు సమ్మెకు సిద్ధము అని తెలియచేసినారు.
వారికి అభినందనలు.
వారినుండి స్పూర్తిని పొంది మనమూ 100 శాతము సమ్మెకు సిధ్ధపడదాం.
ఫిబ్రవరి 12 , 13 తేదిలలో జరుగ బోవు సమ్మెను జయప్రదం చేయండి.
courtesy : extracts from : www.staffcorner.com
Three Recognized Defense Federations (INDWF, AIDEF & BPMS) have jointly decided and issued a Joint Declaration on 19.09.2013 to call for a Joint Agitation by the Defense Civilian Employees including of a indefinite strike. Notice of the Joint Declaration was sent to Defense Secretary Dt. 19.09.2013 along with the charter demands. The Joint Declaration and the program of action together with the charter of demands was sent to all our affiliated unions for conducting Strike Ballot. Accordingly strike ballot was conducted by our affiliated unions as per our program on 19.12.2013 and reports were sent to the Federation HQrs. It has been observed as per reports that more than 98% of the Defense Civilian Employees all over the country have voted in favour of the indefinite strike as the demands are very much genuine and long pending.
After receiving the reports of the strike ballot, we have sent further intimation to the secretary, Ministry of Defence that the majority employees have supported the strike and the Ministry of Defence should settle the problems forth with failing which, the Defence Civilian Employees will go on indefinite strike and the date for strike will be intimated.
Three recognized Federation have met at New Delhi on 27.01.2014 and noted with serious concern that even after more than 4 month after forwarding the Joint Declaration alongwith charter of demands, there is no progress in settlement of the issues pertaining to Defence Civilian Employees and the Govt. has not taken any step forward for a negotiated settlement/Agreement on the charter of demands.
Considering the negative attitude of the Government and Ministry of Defence towards the demands of the Defence Civilian Employees and its negligence, three Federations have decided in the meeting held on 27.01.2014 at New Delhi to organize Defence Civilian Employees for an indefinite strike starting from 17.02.2014 from 0600 AM in support of the following charter of demands. The meeting also calls upon the affiliated unions of the three Federations to jointly mobilize the Defence Workers by various agitational programmes during the period of serving strike notice on 03.07.2014 and make the strike a grand success.
The meeting also appeals to the CDRA, its affiliates and all other trade unions and associations functioning in the Defence Establishments to join the indefinite strike in the interest of unity of the Defence Employees and also realize the out standing demands of the Defence Civilian Employees.